Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Trying to take a picture of my three kids...

The other day I tried to take a picture of my kids, and as you can see, it was impossible. If it wasn't Zev, It was Carmen, and even Cecilia (who usually likes to pose) wouldn't stay in position. It was funny.

El otro dia, trate de tomar una foto de mis ninos y como pueden ver fue imposible. Si no era Zev, era Carmen y hasta Cecilia(que normalmente le gusta posar) no se que daba quieta. Estuvo muy divertido.

This last one was funny, because Zev took off running and bumped into the wall. He fell sitting and I took the picture just before he started to cry. It looks comical. I thought... That's what he gets for running off from my picture.

Esta ultima foto estuvo chistosa, porque Zev se escapo corriendo y choco con la pared. Callo sentadito y tome la foto justo antes de que empezo a llorar. Se vio muy comico.

6 Comentarios/comments:

Erin said...

Just imagine what it will be like when you have four!

natalie said...

Haha. That's life with kids, right? Is it possible to get them all to cooperate at once for anything? :) That last one of zev is so cute!

Kristen said...

I have a hard enough time getting Dan to pose for a picture... We can't wait to live closer to you guys!

Lori said...

Oh my gosh, can TOTALLY relate. I usually end up in tears when I try to get pictures.

Genny said...

thos pics are awesome! especially, the ones with the girls showing their undies!!! hahaha
Zev is sooo cute, I wanna squeeze him!!!

Yin said...

Genny: Those were not their undies! they were wearing skorts!