Preschool at home with my Mom!
Prescolar en la casa, con mi mama!
Decorando el arbolito de navidad!
Preschool at home with my Mom!
Prescolar en la casa, con mi mama!
Decorando el arbolito de navidad!
Posted by Yin at 10:29 AM 3 Comentarios/comments
Posted by Yin at 7:52 PM 2 Comentarios/comments
Posted by Yin at 11:31 PM 3 Comentarios/comments
Aqui esta Zev huyendo de Santa. Jajajajaja...
Posted by Yin at 9:41 PM 5 Comentarios/comments
Posted by Yin at 9:40 PM 3 Comentarios/comments
Posted by Yin at 8:14 PM 3 Comentarios/comments
Posted by Yin at 10:11 AM 3 Comentarios/comments
The other day I tried to take a picture of my kids, and as you can see, it was impossible. If it wasn't Zev, It was Carmen, and even Cecilia (who usually likes to pose) wouldn't stay in position. It was funny.
El otro dia, trate de tomar una foto de mis ninos y como pueden ver fue imposible. Si no era Zev, era Carmen y hasta Cecilia(que normalmente le gusta posar) no se que daba quieta. Estuvo muy divertido.
Posted by Yin at 8:26 PM 6 Comentarios/comments
Posted by Yin at 8:01 PM 3 Comentarios/comments
Posted by Yin at 9:28 PM 5 Comentarios/comments
We went to Noel and Natalie's house to carve our pumpkins. It was really fun! Vanessa our neighbor came too.
Here are Ceci's and Zev's pumpkins
and Carmen's here.
Posted by Yin at 11:55 AM 3 Comentarios/comments
Last friday we went to Sea World with my brother's family. We had lots of fun!
I loved how sea World was all Halloween!
The kids enjoy all the rides.
It was really nice to have Noel and Natalie there. They help us alot and my kids love them so much.
Posted by Yin at 2:26 PM 0 Comentarios/comments
A few weeks ago we drove to a pumpkin patch with my brother Noel, his wife Natalie and baby Bryn. The girls painted some pumpkins and had lots of fun looking around. They had some goats. Carmen was happy to feed them but Cecilia was too afraid. Hahahaha...
Posted by Yin at 10:34 PM 5 Comentarios/comments
Dignified and hard working. With a gentle and soft-spoken manner you have something many people don't. Patience. Even through the moments of heartbreak you're still able to hold onto all of your hopes and dreams. Bide your time; your dream will come true.